Retainers for Ten
It is natural for your teeth to shift throughout life, which is why it is so important to wear your retainer after your orthodontic treatment is complete. Wearing your retainer is an essential part of ensuring that you enjoy a long-lasting, beautiful smile with a healthy bite.
WE are committed to giving you an amazing, healthy smile that will last, so we offer 'Retainers for Ten', a program that allows you to purchase replacement retainers at discounted pricing from our office for a ten-year period following enrollment.
- A one-time enrollment fee of $760 allows you to receive up to four clear, removable, replacment retainers each year, for a total of 10 years following completion of treatment.
- Copay is only $20 per clear retainer, which currently retail at $250 each outside of the program.
New patients are eligible for disounted pricing of the intial enrollment fee upon start of treatment.